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RPET simply means that the PET in the product you’re looking at, should come from a recycled, pre-existing source. PET comes from crude oil. The process of extracting crude oil from the ground is very damaging for the environment.


The actual scientific process involves taking an alcohol called ethylene glycol and mixing it with terephthalic acid to produce molten PET. When this occurs, both products bond together in a process called esterification, creating a new long-chain polymer that we call PET.

how is RPET   made?


RPET takes plastic that has already been created, usually plastic bottles, and chops the bottles into tiny flakes. These flakes are then melted to separate the core PET ingredient inside of the bottle. This PET can then be used to make anything from a sweater to another plastic bottle. Not only is up to 50% less energy used than making PET from scratch, but by using existing bottles already created, it ensures these bottles don’t end up in landfill.


RPET help the plastic pollution problem. It takes 700 years for PET to break down into the soil, should it end up in landfill. RPET is up to 50% less energy used than making PET from scratch , but by using existing bottles already created, it ensures these bottles don’t end up in landfill.

plastic is filling up the landfills? 

45+ Million Tons of PET per year end up in Landfills.



